Morreion 3
- MORREION 3 - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears in the book, "Morreion," by Jack Vance, published by Underwood-Miller in 1979.
A writer's comprehension of life influences the nature of his work. As a reader, my comprehension of life influences how I respond to that work.
When Jack Vance wrote this story, how accurately was he able to put into written words the "story" he had conjured up in his mind; all the alien scenes, the emotions of his strange characters, the drama and sense of wonder of the tale? I asked him once, during a telephone conversation, if he was ever completely satisfied with a story he had written. He answered that he was often satisfied, but never "completely".
When I read this story, how accurately did I see, in my mind, the unique scenes, the strange characters, the other-worldly drama and sense of wonder that was in Jack Vance's mind when he wrote the story? - During that conversation with Jack Vance, I asked him if my illustrations did any justice to his creation? He answered, "Yes, I'm very happy with them". But I noticed that he did not add, "completely".
The fact is, we are all different, we see things differently, we all have different emotions about the things we see and hear. Sometimes our differences are huge and we don't get along, and sometimes they are so close we become kindred souls.
As an illustrator, I try to look into a writer's mind and draw what I see there. But every other artist who read the same story would do the same thing . . . and all of them would produce pictures different from mine, and from each other. In the end it is your comprehension of life that will determine which writers and artists you like.
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